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Why Choose A Criminal Defense Specialist Over A Public Defender?

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By: Satvik Mittal

Public defenders are usually offered by the state and they offer defense services free of charge, hence many people consider using them instead of going for criminal defense attorneys and lawyers. In as much as the public defenders are dedicated and talented, they may not always deliver to your expectations. It may be a little costly to hire a private criminal defense lawyer, but in the end you have so much to gain as compared to if you choose to go for a public defender. But why is this so?

1. Criminal defense specialists have all the time

Public defenders may have what it takes to deliver exceptional defense services, but with so many cases to handle, they may not end up dedicating enough time to your case. They are typically loaded with tens of cases and consulting you can prove tedious especially outside the court. A professional criminal defense attorney on the hand will have all the time to concentrate on your case to ensure that you get the best results in the end. The private lawyers will usually handle one or a few cases at a time, hence you know you get the kind of dedication you really deserve.

2. The private defense attorneys are not short in funding

One of the things that make public defenders fail in delivering defense services beyond expectations is because the public defense sector may not always have sufficient funding to aid the cases appropriately. With this lack, their possibility to invest all efforts in your case are interfered with and you end up not getting the best kind of representation. The criminal defense lawyers on the other hand have all resources they need to give their best shot at your case so it is ruled in your favor.

3. Defense attorneys can represent in all kinds of cases

Unlike the private criminal specialists, public defenders are not allowed to represent in civil cases. You only get a lawyer appointed to your case when you have been charged with a criminal offense. The private specialists on the other hand can tackle all kinds of cases and represent you legally. There is really no limit as to what a defense lawyer can do for you and this makes them more reliable in all kinds of legal situations.

4. You get to choose your attorney

The fact is, when you choose to use a public defender for your case, you do not have the luxury of choosing the lawyer assigned to your case. You somehow will need to find a way of getting along with the lawyer appointed to your case, however hard it may seem for the two of you to get along. By choosing a private criminal defense specialist, you have all the freedom to choose the attorney you would like to work with on your case. You can look at the credentials, reviews, and even reputation and success rates before hiring so you can get the best for your case.


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The article presented here is the opinion of the author. The opinions expressed in this blog are the sole opinions of the author and do not, in any form, reflect the legal advice or opinions of Lavenstein Law LLC. Lavenstein Law LLC does not co-author, nor promote the opinions, ideas, or statements published in this forum. Any information supplied in this forum is for editorial purposes only and should not be accepted as legal counsel provided by Lavenstein Law LLC. If you seek professional legal counsel in matters of criminal law, contact Lavenstein Law LLC. Lavenstein Law LLC is a criminal defense law firm in Maryland.

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