Responsibly Manage an Active Arrest Warrant

criminal law procedure gavel

By: Sarahbeth Kluzinski [ad_1] The best advice a bail bondsman can offer a person who is interested in learning about an arrest warrant for themselves is to never ever ask a police officer! That is, unless you do not mind being arrested on the spot if a warrant comes back in your name. A better […]

Find Out If Your Neighbor Has a Criminal Record Or Warrants

Hiring a Criminal Lawyer

By: Don Zens [ad_1] Criminal record A criminal record shows many details about a person. It shows what crimes have been committed and when, the city, if the person was arrested and even the outcome of court and what fines had to be paid. If the person did any jail time that will also be […]

Expungement of Arrests

Hiring a Criminal Lawyer

By: Kenneth Vercammen [ad_1] Erase/ Expungement Of Arrests And Convictions To Avoid Embarrassment And Disclosure If someone has been arrested or even had a private criminal complaint signed against them in the Municipal Court, they have a criminal record, even if the charges were dismissed. Under NJSA 2C:52-1 et seq. past criminal arrests and convictions […]

Choosing the Best Criminal Defense Attorney

Choosing the Best Criminal Defense Attorney

By: Steven Magill [ad_1] The law is a complicated thing, and unfortunately, the system is not just all black and white. That is why we people need a good criminal defense attorney at their side if a time comes that they are on the wrong side of the law, but shouldn’t be. And even if […]

Cannabis, Healthcare and the Law

Criminal Law court

By: Laura A Hipshire [ad_1] Many states have passed laws and rules regarding the use of medical marijuana, which were written to protect eligible patients, users, and caregivers from prosecution and arrest. There is a lengthy application process individuals must go through both to use the substance, sell it, and market it. Patients and caregivers […]

Types of DUI Charges and Possible Enhancements

Successful Criminal Defence Lawyer

By: Sarahbeth Kluzinski [ad_1] Drunk driving and intoxicated driving charges are very serious, and the law uses such cases to set an example. The penalties and laws surrounding such charges vary from state to state, as do the possible enhancements that can increase the severity of the charges. Possible Enhancements Potential enhancements depend on several […]

Relevance of DUI Attorneys in the Criminal Justice System

Criminal Law court

By: Paramita Chowdhury [ad_1] Driving under the influence is a dangerous choice both, for the driver and innocent bystanders. It is important to follow proper guidance and regulations with respect to the driving regulations for the personal safeguard and societal wellbeing. A DUI brings additional consequences that may include injuries, property loss and even death. […]

Find Out If Someone Has a Criminal Record or Has Ever Been Arrested

criminal law procedure gavel

By: Gary P. Thompson [ad_1] Lookup Criminal Records For Safety Reasons When you need to know if someone has a criminal past, you can lookup criminal arrest records for his or her name. This simple process is called a background check. The Internet has made it much simpler to search through criminal arrest records to […]

Arrested Without Evidence?

Choosing the Best Criminal Defense Attorney

By: Alexander Sanchez [ad_1] Law enforcement authorities across the United States are granted special powers enabling them to fight crime. Some of these powers are granted by the federal, state, and local Legislatures. Individual departments associated with law enforcement may have their own set of rules and regulations upon which the law is enforced. It […]

What Exactly Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Do?

Hiring a Criminal Lawyer

By: Abraham Avotina [ad_1] A criminal defense attorney is there to represent those accused of committing crimes. These can be misdemeanors or felonies. While the punishment ranges from a simple fine to life in prison or a death sentence, these specialized lawyers play a part in the process. In fact, the U.S. Constitution requires their […]

Law Enforcement Investigator

Hiring a Criminal Lawyer

By: Kanika Saxena [ad_1] When a crime is committed, it is essential to uncover all the evidence associated with it in order to find the culprit. It is the law enforcement authorities who make the arrest. But they require a complete analysis of the motive behind the crime, methods involved in committing the crime, prime […]

Outcomes Are Actually Evidence

Hiring a Criminal Lawyer

By: Janet Christy [ad_1] In working with non-profits and agencies the struggle I see most is in understanding Outcomes and including them in planning and the quest for funding. Somehow Outcomes have become confused with activities. But the actuality is that Outcomes are evidence that activities have caused a change and/or difference. Outcomes, or evidence, […]